All posts tagged: print

MADE Quarterly returns with its secound edition


MADE Quarterly returns for it’s second edition and boasts a pretty impressive list of contributions from all walks of modern makers. Lovingly crafted by Hunt&Co’s Thomas William this issue features the likes of March Studio (AUS), Mast Brothers (USA), Huet Brothers (NLD), Stevie Gee (GBR), Earth Tu Face (USA), Best Made Co (USA) along with a host of other talented souls. With such a global line-up across multi-disciplines of design getting them all into one […]



London’s SAS have completed work on the annual report for Signature Aviation, which, they say is more than just a compliance publication. At the centrepiece, were a series of images from Benedict Redgrove that show the style of the business and reflect its sense of quality. “It is a tool that is used to build the company brand as it grows in strength each year in the aviation services market. Our role is to ensure that the company […]

The two sides of NZSO {The Church}

Awesome agencies

With the deadline for the New Zealand design awards, Best, fast approaching the top shops are beginning to gather up their finest pieces of work from the last 12 months and ears are beginning to prick up around the blog-o-sphere as we wonder what and who will hit the mark this year. The Church have had a great year, not least with their work for NZSO, hope you’ve got your entry ready guys as this […]

Profiles — Mike Rigby {Interbrand Australia}


It’s been a while since our last profile so we’re thrilled to be back with a chat with a much sought after modern day hero of design. He’s a young chap yet his career has already packed a basket load of finery in the last few years; most recently his journey has led him across the world to take up his first Creative Director role at Interbrand Australia. With Australia’s flourishing design industry we were […]

Urbis Design Day

Events / News

The streets of Auckland were awash with creativity this weekend as Urbis Design Day opened it’s doors once again. If you are unfamiliar with this gem of an idea, then I shall bring you up to speed. The event essentially centers around perfect pairings, with two companies coming together to form a duo. For the past few months this handpicked selection of creative and commercial twosomes have been beavering away, pooling their knowledge and expertise […]

Nicknack does it again

Awesome agencies

So last week we brought you the news of Nicknack’s recent success at the 2013 Rebrand 100 Awards, well we may have been keeping something from you… they only did the double! Take a look at the second project of Nicknacks to pick up a gong, this was the challenge they faced: “With a steady decline in the number of families with Lutheran backgrounds the Lutheran Laypeople’s League brand was suffering from a lack of awareness […]

Container branding goes global {Nicknack}


Our friends over at Adelaide based Nicknack have been rather quiet of late, and we recently found out why, they’ve been busy scooping up international gongs that’s why! To be more specific, Nicknack‘s work for transport and logistics company SFC did the scooping over at the 2013 Rebrand 100 awards. In their own words, Nicknack describe the challenge… “Although SCF Group had grown into a leading organisation within the Australian Transport & Logistics sector, customers […]

Have No Fear {Pearlfisher}


Pearlfisher is set to further celebrate it’s double decade of design with the launch of a book entitled ‘Have No Fear’. The ‘Have No Fear’ book is a collaborative work that has been designed, written and produced by Pearlfisher’s studios in London and New York. It is a celebration of graphic design and is made of 20 powerful beliefs that have defined Pearlfisher as an agency over the last 20 years. Each of the 20 […]