MADE Quarterly returns with its secound edition


MADE Quarterly returns for it’s second edition and boasts a pretty impressive list of contributions from all walks of modern makers. Lovingly crafted by Hunt&Co’s Thomas William this issue features the likes of March Studio (AUS), Mast Brothers (USA), Huet Brothers (NLD), Stevie Gee (GBR), Earth Tu Face (USA), Best Made Co (USA) along with a host of other talented souls.

With such a global line-up across multi-disciplines of design getting them all into one edition must have been one hell of a challenge and does explain the longer than expected time between each editions. However, as Thomas explains the added time allowed them to tweak with the publication and hone some of the subtleties that have really add the quality and subject matter that the publication reflects.

“We had a very ambitious line-up, but feel it was well worth the wait. Content aside, we’ve also made some small design improvements internally typesetting and general layout. I feel we’ve stayed true to the first edition, but have also made some subtle improvements.”

Edition Two also features its contributes work on four individual covers which have been overprinted using a dark purple over warm grey to create a distinct look with extra depth. And best off all some good news for those outside of Australia as MADE Quarterly Edition Two is now available worldwide (with free shipping) from their online store.



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