All posts tagged: identity

Zebra changes the stripes


Barringtons is a Perth-based firm of chartered accountants, operating for over 20 years and renowned for their entrepreneurial and progressive approach to dealing with their clients’ business. Unfortunately their original corporate identity didn’t fully match their thinking so, Designers Journal favourites, Zebra were engaged to provide an update. Says CD Martin Maher; “We started by developing a new symbol, a hexagon that forms the shape of an open box. This symbol is made up of inter-connecting […]

Best Awards {New Zealand}


It’s that time of year again down in the Southern Hemisphere, the best of the best are on parade courtesy in New Zealand’s national design awards, Best. With the usual suspects notching up a handful of nominations each it’s also great to see some new smaller agencies coming through, along with, for the first time, a number of recognised names from over the ditch. With the awards beginning to develop a following overseas it would […]

Team Karoshi make it onto the big screen


There’s fewer things in this life we take more satisfaction from than a good ol’ simple and smart identity solution. That’s right. Breath it in. Yeh. Tasty. Unlikely to be privy to that, but happy to oblige us regardless are London swashbucklers of swish Karoshi. They’ve filled our little lungs with this little trinket of an identity for independent producer of things for your tele box Newscope Films – a company who are “Innovative and advocates for […]

Urbis Design Day

Events / News

The streets of Auckland were awash with creativity this weekend as Urbis Design Day opened it’s doors once again. If you are unfamiliar with this gem of an idea, then I shall bring you up to speed. The event essentially centers around perfect pairings, with two companies coming together to form a duo. For the past few months this handpicked selection of creative and commercial twosomes have been beavering away, pooling their knowledge and expertise […]

Nicknack does it again

Awesome agencies

So last week we brought you the news of Nicknack’s recent success at the 2013 Rebrand 100 Awards, well we may have been keeping something from you… they only did the double! Take a look at the second project of Nicknacks to pick up a gong, this was the challenge they faced: “With a steady decline in the number of families with Lutheran backgrounds the Lutheran Laypeople’s League brand was suffering from a lack of awareness […]

Simplicity is luxury – Moving Brands flies high


It seems to be a bit of a thing of late to rebrand an airlines. Over the past few months we’ve seen Someone help launch South African airline FastJet and American Airlines go through a mass overall courtesy of Futurebrand. Nestled amongst all that is a brand launch for an affordable new face in the private jet travel planning on changing the game when it comes to the epitome of luxury travel… introducing Blackjet. Built […]

Strange Love {Marx Design}

Awesome agencies

Love is sometimes strange, I’m sure we all know that by now but what is StrangeLove? Well my friends, let me first set the scene. Marx Designwere tasked with packaging StrangeLove into a gift piece that cafe owners would want to display on their counter. The problem being, StrangeLove is in fact an energy drink. And we all know what that conjures up in a designers mind, 2 for $5 star bursts, bright shouty colours and vomit […]

A drop of dutch courage


2012 was undoubtedly the year of the craft beer. With new varieties being launched left right and centre we were spoilt for choice down here in the South Pacific when it came to an evening tipple. One such beer that lept onto our shelves late last year was Cavalier Courage. While this fine blend is indeed a tasty drop it’s far from being the latest fad, the difference being this beer has a story to […]