Month: March 2012

Nicknack {Adelaide}

Awesome agencies / LWC

Here on Cloud 9 we love the not-so-large fish, especially when we see them swimming briskly past the so called big boys with a confident fishy smile on their chirpy faces. Meet Nicknack, who operate from Australian waters, Adelaide to be more specific (you remember Parallax right – go Adelaide!) They talked to us about how, in such a culturally changing, new and emerging world, the playing field is levelling; smaller players are now stealing […]

Neue {Oslo}

Awesome agencies

After last weeks trip to Stockholm Design Lab we’ve been bitten by the scandinavian bug, so we’re taking you to Norway where we’re all gooey eyed and weak at the knee’s over Oslo’s Neue. Neue encompass that typically scandinavian chic body of work and none finer than their recently D&AD Best of Year book shortlisted brand work for Visit Nordkyn.

Free Agency Creative {Vancouver}

Awesome agencies

If one of your founders has won a Enrique Salazaar Award, by the Graphic Designers of Canada, for Best Young Designer in British Columbia ’02, you know you’re onto a reasonably good start. Skip forward to today and those bright eyed creatives Don Williams and Tak Yukawa’s Free Agency Creative have assembled what they describe as a process driven studio which emphasises creativity as being the result of solid strategy and diligent developmental phases. A […]

Switch {Auckland}

Awesome agencies / LWC

When I asked Switch to sum themselves up for me they used the phrases ‘nimble’ and ‘we play well with others’, this made me like them. The following images made me a like them even more. My posts have been pretty pun free thus far so on this occasion I’m going to throw in that they are truly switched on bunch, up the minute and right ON the pulse of contemporary design culture (sorry)! On […]

Trozo Studio {Los Angeles, CA}


LA based Itallian Eduardo Valdivieso’s Trozo Studio produces stunning mutli-layered wok that is a symphony of colour, texture and complexly constructed commentary. He seemlessly jumps between the conceptual and commercial realisation with unbelievable versatility and detail well worth studying.  

Stephen McCarthy {Dublin / London}

Outstanding individuals

Saturday’s St Patrick’s knees up made us take a good long hard look at ourselves ~ there was a distinct lack of presence from the Emerald Isle on our dear Journal. Enter Dubliner (though London-based) Stephen McCarthy and his delicious brand of goodies. And goodies they are indeed from the über talented chap. Just five years out of university and currently earning his crust working for Imagination, of his work McCarthy says he; “employs a reductive […]

The Creative Method {Sydney}

Awesome agencies / LWC

The Creative Method assure us that if we give them a great story, they will create a great brand. Nice story! Based over on the sunny side, Sydney, Australia, TCM’s story started back in 2005, seven years later they have a fine portfolio of great brands under their belt, including a few very fine wines. Their aim is to stay small and lets be honest, when you can no longer fit everyone’s face on the […]

Büro North unveil imaginative wayfinding for RCH


The culmination of four years work, design & wayfinding specialists Büro North have unveiled distinctive new wayfinding for The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH), which can only be described as nothing short of delightful and enchanting. Based on the evidence-based approach to wayfinding and design, Buro North commissioned and collaborated with local illustrator Jane Reiseger on the development of illustrations for the wayfinding signage to create an environment where as patients move through different floors of […]