All posts tagged: shop

L is for all kinds of Lovely


London studio Build has recently launched its take on an Animal A-Z, and it’s all kinds of delightful. The colourful and charming set of prints feature a host of mammals, birds, reptiles (and a solitary crustacean), each having their way with their corresponding letter of the alphabet. Fancy the Flamingo for yourself, or if you have interest in the Iguana for a friend, the prints may even make an excellent yuletide gift. Michael C. Place from […]

Burton Kramer Film trailer


“I needed only a drawing board, a t-square, some triangles, pencils, a sharpener, a desk lamp and a chair.” —Burton Kramer For your viewing pleasure, this spring will see the the release of an insight into design great Burton Kramer, produced by Vancouver based designer Greg Durrell. Born in 1932 in New York, Kramer began working in the late ’50s after graduating from Yale University. Aside from his prominently featured work at Expo 67, he […]

Trebleseven’s TwentyTwelve sets the date


Trebleseven have added to their already typographically opulent collection of prints with the release of a TwentyTwelve calendar. Double sided, the A1 print’s date side is constructed using a tidy 15 column grid, the reverse features selected favourite Trebleseven branding and design projects. Handily, the calendar also folds into a more handleable five concertina fold (A1 length, shown below) mailer. Printed on GF Smith ColorPlan and available in a handful of colours, this is a really nice […]

Get Lucky in style


Regular viewers of the ol’ D to tha J will already be aware of South African graphic swashbuckler Luke Ritchie. You may then recall his enterprise with @simonalander, LuckyFella Clothing Co., which was in the pipeline. True to his word, hey presto – he’s only gone and launched it! Says Ritchie; “LuckyFella Clothing Co was born out of a desire for clean and custom type-centric clothing. As a graphic designer and typographer, I wanted to […]

Hello Christmas!


The incredibly talented folk at Hello Monday are continuing their mission of spreading some Christmas cheer for another year with their December Monday Give-Away! On each of the 4 Mondays in December (6th, 13th, 20th & 27th) Hello Monday will give away a unique gift to one of their beloved Facebook friends. Join in and win uber call stuff over on Facebook.

Believe in Map Making

Bookshelf / News

Exeter agency Believe in have completed work on book project You are the Map Maker; an inspirational and creative resource written by Australian author Bernadette Jiwa featuring insights from 13 international, creative and resourceful entrepreneurs. The book and YATMM project is a creative collaboration with Jiwa with design & art direction provided by Believe in using a structured grid and graphic system based around the key contributors from the book. Those contributors notably include David […]

New Saul Bass book released

Bookshelf / News

Laurence King (publishers of many essential titles including Pentagram’s 400 Marks and, most recently Symbol) have released a long overdue and eagerly awaited title ‘Saul Bass: A Life in Film & Design‘. Over 400 pages of goodness, the book celebrates one of the greatest and renowned designers of the 20th Century. Written by design historian Pat Kirkham, who knew Bass personally, and interestingly designed by his daughter, Jennifer Bass (also co-founded Treehouse Design Partnership in […]

Identify… Chermayeff and Geismar


NBC, Chase Bank, Mobil Oil, PBS, Rockefeller Centre, MoMA, Time Warner Cable, Xerox, Amani Exchange, PanAm, Nat Geographic, HarperCollins. Chermayeff & Geismar’s work has touched the lives of millions around the world, both timeless and iconic and “sets the standard for what a successful trademark is”. Opening up their studio for the first time in over fifty years, Identify: Basic Principles of Identity Design in the Iconic Trademarks of Chermayeff & Geismar celebrates the broad […]