Mike Collinge {currently nomadic}

Outstanding individuals

Hailing from Wellington, Mike’s gone on walkabout. I know, I know, tenuous, it’s an aborigine thing, but bear with us. Perhaps it’s better we think of it as more of a design pilgrimage – a pilgrimage from the ol’ Long White Cloud to Europe; Hamburg to be exact (as we type), via a scattering of Scandanavian hotspots, Mike has asked not what the design world can do for him, but what he can do for it. Design world, give Mike Collinge a wave.

Don’t be under any illustions, he’s no rookie – he’s served over a decade working for the likes of DNA and Designworks and has a mighty crafty bag of tricks to show for it. So, if you bump into Mike on his European sojourn, give him a nod…

Tw. mikecollinge  / Facebook

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