Having known Ed from a young age, mainly following around his older brother in the world of music, it gives me real pleasure to list him under our Outstanding Individuals categories. Ed Elliott is an artist specialising in sculpture, however that really doesn’t describe what he creates. With interests in psychology, mythology/folklore and the human consciousness, Ed has a real sense of purpose when it comes to communication his idea which, often in a figurative form, achieve this presence.
Adopting and exploring traditional methods Ed Elliott’s latest work ‘Mottisfont Angel’ formed one of eight sculptures commissioned as part of the Angel Garden at the National Trust-run Mottisfont Estate, near Romsey. Inspired by the original 1947 mosaic Ed’s ‘Mottisfont Angel’ has gone on to become the poster image for the exhibition and lead to a solo show of drawings and additional sculptures.
I’m so impressed with the work Ed is creating and I thinks its the some what eerie personification of the natural material that captures me. You can follow his progress and see a video of the making of ‘Mottisfont Angel’ at his facebook page.
Tw. @EdESculpture