Agency brands tend to be very much a safe, blank canvas and to be honest uninspiring. They go for something minimal, non-offensive with the idea that the client work should be the real hero with the agency quietly supporting in the backdrop.
So when typical agency refresh appears it’s not really something to take much interest in. However, Saffron are no ordinary agency.
This powerhouse of a brand consultancy, founded by Jacob Benbunan and Wally Olins in 2001, is celebrating its 15th-anniversary by evolving what the consultancy has to offer. To better reflect this new shift, Saffron created a whole set of visual elements that will help enrich and unify all of the company’s communications.
“Our [Saffron’s] identity has evolved in accordance with our new spirit,” said Saffron’s Executive Creative Director, Gabor Schreier. “We were born as a company with a strong consulting component, with a formal, serious posture/attitude and an equally plain and discrete identity, but we have evolved into a much more creative, disruptive, innovative and digital consulting company and we want to reflect all of this in our new image.”
Typography is one of the key elements of the new brand system. Besides giving the company personality, the bespoke family has four variants that illustrate this combination and, at the same time, represent the different phases of a project.
What’s of most interest is the new, very conceptual illustration
system drawn from an isometric perspective. This system will be in motion most of the time, generating a dynamic and digital visual universe.