Packaging in Paris {Pentawards}

LWC / News

Our Awards Special kicks off with a Parisan bang this week, step forward packaging design royalty, it’s time for the big reveal over at the Pentawards. With a huge international draw the Pentawards showcase the best packaging design from around the world spanning a multitude of categories covering everything from wine in a box (yes they have a dedicated category to our cardboard friends) to savoury snacks and luxury cosmetics.

The great thing about the Pentawards is it reveals new gems you wont have seen doing the blog rounds yet, hence a healthy dose of inspiration for packaging designers. The downside is the website. Tricky to navigate, unfortunately  the site struggles to do the work justice. With this in mind take the time to view the Designers Journal Top Picks…

Number one for me was an angel and devil affair. While it took the creativity prize hands down it also took the crown for most unnecessary packaging from an environmental perspective. Step forward the most beautifully over packaged wellies (gumboots to the kiwis) the world has ever seen that just happen to be from Kazakstan! Second was a fishy battle between Cowan London and Mousegraphics. Both are strong from a creative idea perspective however Cowan might just have it from an appetite appeal perspective with a nicely shot clean bold aesthetic for Ahti. Other notable winners for me were Greenhook Ginsmiths Gin by Threebrand in the UK, a nicely executed contemporary take on traditional spirit cues and Eggs for Soldiers, a simple idea for a good cause. It was also great to see some Kiwi talent popping up in the form of Red Cactus’ three awards for Voila, Nice ‘n’ Tasty and KFC – nice work waving the New Zealand flag guys.

Overall, a truly tasty parade of goodness I would say. Check out the concepts section for a great selection of ‘if only’ ideas…