Designers Journal is a chronicle of jottings, doodles and graphic design & creative eye candy from boutiques around the world, curated by designers in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
In a nutshell, it was born as a personal project to document the incredible work that’s being created everyday by incredibly talented people. Pinterest, GimmeBar, Delicious et al are great, but to be frank they didn’t cut the mustard for a desire to get under the skin and into some creative minds. That’s where DJ was born, as a mechanism to learn about the creators, not just the work and to give a pat on the back to studios and creatives that fall under the ’boutique’ heading or otherwise don’t get the props their work deserves. Since then it’s grown somewhat as more people have joined the project.These days we aim to present the very best of the things that we stumble upon on our intergalactic world wide web travels, that is to say, in the context of great design and creative work of note. So if you’re looking for a site to bring you the latest in Katy Perry’s outfits, hot-off-the-press Justin Beiber hair cut alerts or cats that look like Colonel Gadaffi… sadly, you won’t find it here (but send us a link for the cats if you find one).
What you will find, however, is a site authored just for the love of it that sets out with a humble aim; to showcase, share inspiring work, promote collaboration, news, support and with any luck bring together in some tiny way the global design community but with a focus very much on young, boutique agencies or individuals.
Whilst a lot of what we feature is content we stumble across, we also aim do fill the site chock-full with as much original content and opinion as humanly possible, so to that end, if you would like to submit work or contribute in any way, be it a simple link to some sweet design, some news or even pen beautifully crafted opinion, then we’d be happy to include it.
Don’t forget to check out our sister site Long White Cloud.