All posts filed under: News

Talking to me?

Branding / News

More and more we see the importance of how brands communicate with their audience. In particular the character and tone in the words they say and increasing as important, how we the audience expect them to sound. Possible the most authentic social platform ouTube is defined by its raw, filter free content. The challenge though is to engage with their content creators so they feel part of the brand, but also to reach out to the […]

First impressions

Branding / News

In a world increasingly obsessed with image, the pressure on ones appearance has never been greater. First impressions seem to count for everything so it’s no wonder if someone suffers from skin problems their confidence will take a downward turn. D.Thomas is a London-based, leading UK a skincare brand specialising in problem skin. The work of the clinic can alleviate and cure many skin issues from acne to pigmentation. Non invasive, the treatments centre around a series […]

A new kind of video storytelling

Branding / News

When a product is all about the visual, your brand needs to be on point when it comes to its visual language and tone of voice. From cave drawings to mobile videos, human nature’s primal instinct has always been to share life experiences through visual storytelling. With this ideas at its core Moving Brands has created an identity that exemplify jovially, life’s common occurrences and occasions in a very loud marketplace.

Shared values


As designers we love to find those delightful moments where the play between positive and negative reveals a real gem. Well, TheSumOf has done just that with their latest identity work for  Street + Garden. As street furniture specialists Street + Garden marked their twenty fifth anniversary the decision was made to re-evaluate their brand in order to celebrate past achievements and be better positioned for future success.

Turning the attention back


UK’s Sawdust has crafted a new word mark that aims to shape your perspective. Online publisher Buzzworthy provides selected curators the freedom to write within their areas of interest. By doing so they aim to turn the attention back to the talented writers and the varying interest that shape their points of view. Sawdust’s use of subtle directional arrows creates intrigue as well as elevating the idea of simple wayfinding.

To-do lists get a facelift


Designers hate being ruled by the clock, but have to admit that more often than not it’s something that actually becomes useful in tracking projects. Reinvention is becoming an inevitable part of organisations competing in the digital product world but it takes some guts to totally rip-up the past and start again from scratch. For The People have done just that together with project management software Streamtime, making the product once again fresh and relative to the industry it […]

A face-to-face approach


Are you the type of person who walks around seeing faces in the everyday? Well if so, chances are you’re a ‘happy’ type of person and if people are happy, they are more productive at work (so the research and studies tell us). The latest offering from London based SomeOne is a brand strategy, for Personal Group, one of the UK’s leading brands in employee benefits, which focussed around ‘Work Happy’ – a mantra that neatly distills the core idea.

Expanding what an art centre can be

Awesome agencies / News

Creating visual identities for the arts is a complexed business. Capturing the spectrum of passion and culture whilst balancing the publics perception rarely leads to a unifying vision. The trick to success seems to be in finding that happy medium of artistic expression and community engagement which thankfully Manual have managed to find. First up, who are Yerba Buena Centre for the Arts. YBCA is a new kind of art centre, whose work spans the realms of art, […]