Chips go Pop {Marx Design}


When Marx Design was asked to create a brand/mascot that would work across multiple products in the snack food category Ping was born,  the advocator of all things tasty and healthy. Ping’s first offering to tempt your ever conscious taste buds, courtesy of Marx Design is Popchips: Sea Salt, Salt & Pepper, Salt & Vinegar and Sweet Chilli and Sour Cream — take your pick!

When Marx Design were tasked with the creation of the Popchips packaging they were told to ‘avoid the clichés of traditional chip packaging in order to achieve cut-through’. Not ones to do things by half, they ticked this box then cranked the creative throttle up an extra notch and threw in 500 hours of man power to create, photograph and retouch real paper diorama creations for each variant.

In their own words: “The very name ‘Popchips’ led us to create a diorama execution in which the elements ‘popped’ off the page with light and shadows. This then became a running theme for the brand that extended to point-of-sale in the form of pop-up books and displays. One of the rules we set ourselves was to make sure the diorama scenes always carried an idea. For the Salt & Pepper variant we created a storm setting out of layered card. The scene resembles a storm of flavour putting a bit of zip in your chip”.

It’s not often something of this calibre lands in my inbox, not only a clear, simple idea well executed that’s doing something different but a real labour of love. Nice work Marx.     Tw: @ryanthemarx


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