All posts tagged: publishing
Profiles – Thomas Williams {Hunt Studio / Process Journal}
Thomas Williams is one of those people who you have to stop and ask ‘how on earth do you find the time?’ Not content with being the founder and Creative Director of one of Melbourne’s stand out intelligent design consultancy Hunt Studio, Thomas is also the founder and Editor in Chief of critically written and award winning quarterly design publication Process Journal. Throw in some guest lecturing at various design institutions including Swinburne University, Monash […]
Moving Brands mark a new era in Story Telling
With the never ending debates over whether ‘print is dead’ you could argue that with this latest project from Moving Brands that the final nail has been hammered into the coffin. Madefire is a ‘Motion Book’ recently launched for tablet devices that takes the world of Graphic Novels and turns it on its head. Founded by and featuring some of the work of Ben Wolstenholme (founder of Moving Brands), Liam Sharp and Eugene Walden this ‘motion […]
Insert Blurb here
We’ve just discovered this little peach which we thought we’d share. I don’t know how much you already know about Blurb but, in a nutshell, they make quality can easily create yourself and produce on very small runs for pretty reasonable prices. Use Instagram, Facebook, Photobucket, Flickr, Tumblr… pretty much any other photo-based website to grab the images to create a book, or us pro’s get jiggy straight from Lightbox or InDesign. Ornament your coffee […]
Design Week no more
A mainstay of our Thursday lunchtimes for almost as long as we’ve been holding a pencil, we were sorry to hear this week the end is nigh for print editions of Design Week after 25 years. The publication will instead focus its online presence. For us, its indicative of the times and was perhaps somewhat an inevitable move. It’s a real shame though, there’s nothing like flicking through the pages over a lunchtime and sharing […]