All posts tagged: film

Plenty {Buenos Aires}

Awesome agencies

Story telling is of key importance when creating motion graphics and it would seem that Plenty have it in bucket loads. Based in Argentina, Plenty have a great understanding of making that detail in their work stand out without dominating the story. I particularly love the behind the scene photographs they include on their site as you can really see the levels of texture that go into all aspects of Plenty’s work. Describing themselves as […]

Burton Kramer Film trailer


“I needed only a drawing board, a t-square, some triangles, pencils, a sharpener, a desk lamp and a chair.” —Burton Kramer For your viewing pleasure, this spring will see the the release of an insight into design great Burton Kramer, produced by Vancouver based designer Greg Durrell. Born in 1932 in New York, Kramer began working in the late ’50s after graduating from Yale University. Aside from his prominently featured work at Expo 67, he […]

Division of Labor {San Francisco}

Awesome agencies

Division of Labor have it. They seems to have the knack of turning around the fortunes of their clients, oh and a pretty impressive ability to put together a story that captures peoples imaginations. With working across all mediums, not just film, their secrete might well be their philosophy ‘collaborate with the best people we can. Either that or their other phrase ‘Illegitimi Non Carborundum,’ which forms part of their logo and means, Don’t let […]

Sydney Bicycle Film Festival 2011


After last years beautifully crafted film trailor for the Sydney Bicycle Film Festival, it was going to be a tall order to match. Enter Angus Forbes and Patrick Fileti, The Skeleton Key, with some real lovely editing and eye for those finer points which helped produce something a little bit special. Sydney Bicycle Film Festival 2011 from Skeleton Key on Vimeo.

Chris Searl {Australia}


Chris Searl is a very talented man. Not only is he a founding partner, co-Editor and Photographer for one of Australia’s leading cultural art / design magazines Monster Children, he happens to be a mighty fine director. Chris’ work is definable worth checking out as well as his short films. Also as a side note take a look at Matthew Woodward who designed the site.