All posts tagged: beer

All smiles for the Old Friends Brewery


With the increasing popularity of Craft Ale the industry has embraced good design and given the industry some much needed freedom. Personality is still a key ingredient when it comes to both producing a distinctive ale and a successful design, so it’s not surprising that with this latest offering from the talented team at The District it has bags full.

Only at Christmas ~ Believe in


Christmas. Ah Christmas. By my way of reckoning, creatives either fear or love the challenge of reinventing their tiny festive corner with something that surprises. Or, another way of looking at it is time to breathe a sigh of relief, another year over, having been spent being impossibly cool and serious. Christmas provides an opportunity to go wild. Exeter studio Believe in wanted to send a suitably festive thank you to valued clients, friends and […]

threebrand’s Dubh Step


Edinburgh brand and packaging behemoth, threebrand, (who are, awesomely, based on board an actual boat) has unveiled packaging design for Ola Dubh 1991 an artisan craft beer with a twist. An extension of the core Ola Dubh range, the product is the first of a new range of craft beers by Harviestoun Brewery where the ale is matured in Highland Park Single Malt whisky casks. Released on 1 May in limited numbers it flew off the shelves – […]

Helms Workshop {Austin, Tx}

Awesome agencies

Huge fan. Huge. Of Texas’ finest Helms Workshop. Huge, for emphasis. True craftsmen of the all-Americana typographic cunning, an art that I’ve always found absorbing. Back to Helms, naturally an award-winning creative firm with a broad range of clients but for me, it’s their packaging work that’s particularly right on point. Helms “combine smart, strategic thinking with wild-eyed creativity in a highly collaborative environment, producing powerful ideas and unexpected solutions that bring big results to businesses […]

Caliber {Dallas, Tx}

Awesome agencies

Dallas, Texas. Home of triumphant dishes of delight served up by Caliber. “We at Caliber believe hard work combined with smart, inspired thinking leads to great things. Unique things. The very things a consumer audience thirsts after and seeks out, because of the fact it’s different or new or unique.” Glorious… delve into their folio and find their work in the beer industry particularly consistently inspired.