The Meringue Girls Cookbook


Well Made Studio have been getting their Merry Berrys on, courtesy of The Meringue Girls Cookbook, published by Random House.

The book design itself takes its lead from the centrepiece – an enormous Rainbow Meringue Layer Cake – taking cues from this colour palette to split the sections and applying it to full colour pages for maximum impact. To add more depth and avoid flat colours, illustrator Kenn Goodall was commissioned to paint large, sumptuous mixed-hue watercolour washes, better reflecting the streaks of dye in the piped meringues.

Says WMS’s Gemma Germains: “We designed typographic section and recipe titles throughout that were inspired by a collaborative mood board of inspirations, vintage and modern, and this is all set against spectacular images by renowned food photographer David Loftus.With one eye on adding value to the book and further establishing the girls’ personalities, we proposed that key recipes be filmed with bonus information, and then implemented this throughout the book using Augmented Reality. We also art directed a massive installation, building a giant colourful meringue mural in East London and photographing it for use as the endpapers and the official press shot.”

Check these the flip out… Meringue Girls mural making of video / Well Made Studio website

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