Month: January 2012

Dave Murray {Toronto}


Canadian illustrator and designer Dave Murray‘s splendid brand of illustration has won him clients including Stella Artois and Dandyhorse Magazine. His work has also been featured in The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, Canadian House and Home, Benjamin Moore, and 3 x 3 Magazine. Whilst we’ve seen a few great examples of geometric work in the last 12 months (most notably Liam Brazier) there is a wonderful openess and freedom to […]

Watson & Co. {New York}

Awesome agencies

Excelling in a primarily fashion based sphere, Waston & Co., describe themselves as a one stop creative shop “designing brands from the ground up, helping companies present themselves better.” It’s an understated philosophy that, combined with subtleties through type, form, imagery and splashes of colour, conspires to devise the sophisticated and the sublime. Tw. Waston_and_Co  

Beans 2.0 grown at The Allotment


The Allotment have teamed up with writer Scott Perry (Bard of Bray) and illustrator Geoffrey Appleton to produce a contemporary spin on the old favourite fable Jack and the Beanstalk entitled Jack and the Giant Recession. This beautiful self promotional piece is stunningly produced – smart and thoughtful; witilly ruminating on the economic outlook whilst peddling their own considered brand of wares. The story starts with Jack, now grown up but without the benefit of his […]

Alt Group {Auckland}

Awesome agencies / LWC

Alt Group really are going great guns down here in New Zealand making them perfect candidates for Cloud9. The awards cabinet is bulging after a handful of new wins at this year’s Best Awards and that’s to say nothing of recent accolades for designer Clem Devine (ADC Young Gun 2011) and Creative Director Dean Poole (recently invited to join the AGI). Yet they remain modest in their achievements with very little self promotion. We think […]

Paper Cuts


Some people catch up with the news or leaf through a magazine whilst doing their, um, business. But not Anastasia Elias. These amazing toilet paper roll art are simply painstakingly awesome…  

Miguel Endara {Basle}


Not one to be outdone by any man (least not Chan Hwee Chong) it’s probably fair to say Miguel Endara is an incredibly patient man. The web developer by day, paper poker by night is so patient infact, he’ll invest over 200+ hours and drop his nib 3.2million (yes million) times to get his insane end results. Astounding. Hero from Miguel Endara on Vimeo.  

The Consult {Leeds}

Awesome agencies

Ma-hooosive fans of Leeds brand design buckaneers The Consult. Both muti-published and multi-adorned with an award or three, clients include the BEEB, Converse, Cisco and Prezzo. No two projects look the alike but are each comparably beautiful, typographically awesome and visually epic. Handsome stuff. Tw. @TheConsult  

Perky Bros {Nashville, TN}

Awesome agencies

Sweet work from Nashville’s own Perky Bros. A great blend of good old fashioned finger-lickin’ Americana mixed with the modern twist through their portfolio. The typical typographic stylings you’d expect with lovely, clean layouts combine sweetly. Amazingly they can trace their roots back to 1883, starting life in Kansas City as a transfer and storage company, how many other agencies can say that? Make sure you find five minutes to jump on over to their […]