Month: November 2011

Hello Christmas!


The incredibly talented folk at Hello Monday are continuing their mission of spreading some Christmas cheer for another year with their December Monday Give-Away! On each of the 4 Mondays in December (6th, 13th, 20th & 27th) Hello Monday will give away a unique gift to one of their beloved Facebook friends. Join in and win uber call stuff over on Facebook.

Robert Samuel Hanson {Berlin}


Massive fan of the excellent work of illustrator Robert Samuel Hanson. He’s appeared in the Creative Review and D&AD Annuals, produced work for the likes of the New York Times, Wired, Virgin Media, The Economist. Tw. @r0berthans0n  

Kiosk {Sheffield}

Outstanding individuals

I’d doubt there’s a designer amongst us who wasn’t influenced the giants of design The Designers Republic. In 2005 they disbanded and in the closing of that epic chapter came the turning of a new page for former TDR Senior Designer David Bailey. His studio Kiosk picks up where he left off, forging his own manifesto and typical high impact visual utterance. Tw. @davidkiosk  

Lora Zombie {St. Petersburg}


Taste the partly macabre, wholey glorious world of Russian grunge artist Lora Zombie. Having mainly plied her trade on the interweb to date, recent times have seen her break through onto the gallery scene (as far afield as Toronto and Chicago), and in doing so introduce a whole new audience to her work. Check out the great video [at the bottom of this page] to the see girl herself in action. Tw. @LoraZombie  /  FB. […]

10,000 lakes / 10,000 logos


Nicole Meyer awoke from her slumber and gazed upon an overcast Tuesday in Minneapolis with an epiphany* – lake logos have a tendency to be, well, fairly ugly, let’s brand the crap out of them! Yes a true lightbulb moment if ever there was one. Anyhoo, she set about an epic life adventure to rethink what they could be. One Minnesota Lake. One Logo. Every day… Genius, spectacular and thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyable. Says Meyer, “Should only […]

Young Jerks {Brooklyn, NY}

Outstanding individuals

Sweet type from Brooklyn designer Dan Cassaro, known to some (but probably not his Mum) as Young Jerks. Nicely put; he puts words on paper so that they might be accountable for themselves. His handy work is available in poster, logo, book and even font form and his blog isn’t too shabby neither, and while you’re there, he’s involved in the rather eye catching 50and50 Project. Cassaro spoke at this year’s Weapons of Mass Creation […]

Magpie Studio {London}

Awesome agencies

Smart, gorgeous work underpinned by a no-fluff, sensible talking approach lead to London’s Magpie Studio beautifully presented portfolio of delights. Stockpile of quality clients include Channel 4, Endemol, Bafta, D&AD and Knight Frank. Lovely, clever work, and I very much like the simplicity and craft of their about us copy. Tw. @Magpie_Studio

Guido Daniele {Milan}


Take a second to admire the incredible colours and detail through the stunning work of italian artist and illustrator Guido Daniele. Though painting since 1968, it wasn’t until 1990 that Daniele started developing his unique body painting technique, working on many advertising campaigns, recently AT&T and World Wildlife Foundation, as well as a range of fashion events and exhibitions. Take a look through his site to see much more of both his stunning handpainting and […]