Month: May 2011

Studio eNaR {Bolton}

Outstanding individuals

Recent incarnation Studio eNaR, based in Bolton, have an interesting mix in their portfolio with strong links to retail design, notibly work for shoe retailer Size? What we like about Studio eNaR’s work is rigid grids and striking shapes that the work leverages from. Tw. @studioenar  

There {Sydney}

Awesome agencies

An impressively extensive portfolio of cool, refined and slick work, Sydney’s There are produce work of note. What we love about their work is how stripped back it is – elegant type and simple blocks of colour provide superb examples of how to mask complex solutions within simple exectution.  

Profile; Pentagram Design


Published by Phaidon in July 2004, any fan of Pentagram will consider this essential shelf fodder. A provoking introspective outlining the structure and principles of the bureau, the release is the first survey of Pentagram published since 1999, and the first book to include noteworthy partners Lisa Strausfeld (since departed onto pastures new) and DJ Stout et al. Profile is a unique collection of essays on Pentagram’s partners by authors, critics and a handful of well-known cultural and editorial […]


Bookshelf / News

Pentagram, through Lawrence King Publishing, have released their latest book entitled Symbol. The book features over 1,300 symbols organized into groups and sub-groups according to their visual characteristics. Each category includes a short introduction on who the symbol was designed for, the designer, and in some cases, what the symbol stands for. These sections are interspersed with short case studies on both classic and more recently designed symbols. Much like Pentagram’s previous title – 400 Marks […]

Stevaker {Nashville, TN}

Awesome agencies

Stevaker Design, hailing from Nashville USA, present a portfolio of typically Americana brashness – bold, confident, humour-filled and pivoted on an gorgeous illustrative style that is time tried and tested. Whether the all-american stlyle is your taste (personally I love its merits) this is nicely executed stuff. Tw. @StevakerDesign  

Wembley 2011 Final Logo


Radient, based in Richmond just outside of London, have designed the logo for this year’s UEFA Champions League Final to be held at Wembley. The illustration is nice, and in keeping with previous Champions League Final identities (below), though I have to say I’m not a massive fan of the typography. It seems to me they missed a trick here to produce something stunning and, to me, the type seems a bit slap-dash.

Designing Brand Identity


Now into the third edition of Alina Wheeler‘s Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team is a rich, comprehensive but well sectioned publications that asks; who are you? Who needs to know? Why should they care? How will they find out? “In a densely crowded marketplace, corporations, organizations, and even individuals look for ways to differentiate themselves. That is the job of branding. Whether your goal is to express a new brand […]

The Allotment {London}

Awesome agencies

Alltoment produce work which is both clinical in its construction and stunning in its exectution. Their portfolio is both brave and elegant with use of whitespace married with a very real, human element to the work. Sweet stuff. Tw. @allotmentbrand