All posts tagged: Famous VS

Twenty Years of Design by Famous VS


Think back to 1992, the world of graphic design was a very different place. For me it was more about making my mum birthday cards and pictures of our family to stick on the fridge. For the world, graphic communication was still dominated by print. The internet was in it’s infancy and smart phones were a mere daydream. Branding was king! The AGDA  (The Australian Graphic Design Association for the Brits) is the peak national organisation for professional […]

Famous VS {Melbourne}

Awesome agencies / LWC

Famous Visual Services or just, Famous, if you’re colloquially inclined, are not the celebrity design divas you may have been led to believe. Oh no. In fact, they’re a spritely bunch of humble creatives with a passion for the craft and a nose for collaboration. With it’s founders having experience spanning both hemispheres, primarily New Zealand and the UK, Famous was born in 2003 not quite slap bang in between, but in Melbourne. Fast forward ten-ish years and […]