All posts tagged: New Zealand

The two sides of NZSO {The Church}

Awesome agencies

With the deadline for the New Zealand design awards, Best, fast approaching the top shops are beginning to gather up their finest pieces of work from the last 12 months and ears are beginning to prick up around the blog-o-sphere as we wonder what and who will hit the mark this year. The Church have had a great year, not least with their work for NZSO, hope you’ve got your entry ready guys as this […]

London Studio {Wellington}

Awesome agencies

One of the best things about living in New Zealand has to be the abundance of delicious treats available, from farmers markets to Michelin stared restaurants, you are never far away from the next tasty morsel. Luckily for us designers this goes hand in hand with fine packaging design, a bounty of which we recently stumbled upon, courtesy of Wellington based London Studio… yes it got me for a moment too but they are New […]

Urbis Design Day

Events / News

The streets of Auckland were awash with creativity this weekend as Urbis Design Day opened it’s doors once again. If you are unfamiliar with this gem of an idea, then I shall bring you up to speed. The event essentially centers around perfect pairings, with two companies coming together to form a duo. For the past few months this handpicked selection of creative and commercial twosomes have been beavering away, pooling their knowledge and expertise […]

Bolu Tea {Curious Design}


Bolu are purveyors of fine quality tea, directly sourced from Fair Trade plantations in Darjeeling, North India. With a beauty like this on their hands, Curious knew it was time to call in the experts. Curious worked closely with Think Packaging on this project. After exploring many options, the packaging ninja came up with a revolutionary solution, which culminated in a perfect balance of aesthetics and function. Visually the pack is harmonious—due to the integration of […]

Apples for the Kiwis


They may be small and tucked away down there in the depths of the Southern Hemisphere but New Zealand does in fact have a thriving creative community and an exciting design scene, as regularly demonstrated through the recent LWC Friday posts. Unfortunately, it’s not large enough to warrant an all singing, all dancing Apple store – not quite the same foot traffic as Regent Street. Enter Yoobee, the Kiwi’s gateway to the wonderous world of Apple. Yoobee is […]

Is size everything?


I was at a design lecture recently by David Kester of the Design Council of which the focus was the need for small businesses to engage with design – incidentally a great lecture by the way. This learning was swiftly followed by a question to the audience around what the industry is doing to make design affordable to these companies. An answer wasn’t offered just an affirmation of the need. So what can we do? And how do we […]

The Best of the Best {New Zealand Best Awards}

LWC / News

With the awards season rolling on the next in line to take to the design red carpet are the kiwis. Drumolls thundered through the hills last week as this years Best Awards were finally announced. So who was the best of the best? Internationally acclaimed Alt Group did pretty well with 12 awards in total including the purple pin for their work on the rebrand of Auckland Art Gallery. Strategy Design also did pretty well with a handful of precious cargo to take […]

It’s not the winning, it’s the taking part…


Who are we kidding, we all love winning! Didn’t we all have at least one dream at uni of wrapping our hands around a Yellow Pencil and making an emotional speech thanking our mother and our pet guinea pig for their support?! Yeh maybe that’s just me but one thing is for sure… it’s awards season! The Pentwards will kick off our run of trophy handing with the ceremony taking place in Paris as we […]