Back in June the ever so talented (master designer for the immense agency Carsonified) Mike Kus, gave a talk exploring the concept of creating meaningful visual design that partners with simple, easy to use functionality in order to create an overall improved user experience.
As part of his talk he made a time-lapse movie where he realigned the website for Innocent Drinks. Mike explains “I say realigned very specifically, as this is not a redesign. I’ve simply realigned the content of the current homepage. I didn’t speak to Innocent beforehand, so the realignment is based purely on my knowledge and experience of the Innocent products and brand.”
You’re probably seen this before but I think it’s well worth sharing, especially Mike’s masterful use of Photoshop….
Realigning Innocent from Mike Kus on Vimeo.
Here is a screen shot of the current Innocent Drinks website…
The screen shot below is Mike Kus‘ realigned version of the Innocent site…