All posts tagged: Vancouver

Free Agency Creative {Vancouver}

Awesome agencies

If one of your founders has won a Enrique Salazaar Award, by the Graphic Designers of Canada, for Best Young Designer in British Columbia ’02, you know you’re onto a reasonably good start. Skip forward to today and those bright eyed creatives Don Williams and Tak Yukawa’s Free Agency Creative have assembled what they describe as a process driven studio which emphasises creativity as being the result of solid strategy and diligent developmental phases. A […]

Burton Kramer Film trailer


“I needed only a drawing board, a t-square, some triangles, pencils, a sharpener, a desk lamp and a chair.” —Burton Kramer For your viewing pleasure, this spring will see the the release of an insight into design great Burton Kramer, produced by Vancouver based designer Greg Durrell. Born in 1932 in New York, Kramer began working in the late ’50s after graduating from Yale University. Aside from his prominently featured work at Expo 67, he […]