All posts tagged: Profile

Profiles – Scott Thomas {Simple.Honest.Work}


With a background in architecture, a bit of magic from ‘Click Through’ the pink unicorn along the way, and a focus for getting back to the hand and keeping things simple, Scott Thomas is a man architecting change. As the Design Director for Obama’s 2008 campaign, Scott, ‘Simple Scott,’ has a philosophy of simplification which has been illustrated in more recent years with the Noun Project. We’re pleased as punch Scott managed to spare a […]

Profiles – Michael Smith {The Allotment}


There are few agencies whose work we admire more than that of The Allotment, so when Creative Partner Michael Smith agreed to speak with us we were naturally thrilled, and immensely keen to hear what he had to say… Born in south Wales, Mike kick started his career with a student award from the International Society of Typographic Designers before heading to London. A career which to date has spanned over fifteen years and glittered […]

Profile; Pentagram Design


Published by Phaidon in July 2004, any fan of Pentagram will consider this essential shelf fodder. A provoking introspective outlining the structure and principles of the bureau, the release is the first survey of Pentagram published since 1999, and the first book to include noteworthy partners Lisa Strausfeld (since departed onto pastures new) and DJ Stout et al. Profile is a unique collection of essays on Pentagram’s partners by authors, critics and a handful of well-known cultural and editorial […]