All posts tagged: europe

Miguel Endara {Basle}


Not one to be outdone by any man (least not Chan Hwee Chong) it’s probably fair to say Miguel Endara is an incredibly patient man. The web developer by day, paper poker by night is so patient infact, he’ll invest over 200+ hours and drop his nib 3.2million (yes million) times to get his insane end results. Astounding. Hero from Miguel Endara on Vimeo.  

Kurppa Hosk {Stockholm}

Awesome agencies

Stunning work from Swedish agency Kurppa Hosk. Gloriously crafted and stripped back type, understated colour and minimal image and iconography all conspire to create a beautifully balanced body of work. Lovely, lovely, lovely… Tw. @kurppahosk RUN-00 from suprb on Vimeo.  

Fluonoir {Paris}

Awesome agencies

I’d never been to Paris until earlier this year. It’s beautiful. A merry meander down the Champs-Élysées hand in hand with my betroved, what could be more pleasant? Snap-happy tourists filled Louis Vuitton whilst I eat my body weight in crepés and inadvertently skipped the mammouth queues by finding a side entrance to the Louvre, before later ogling the stunningly bizarre Centre Pompidou. Good trip. Ah Paris… but I digress. However, speaking of Parisian allures, et […]

Demian Conrad {Lausanne}

Awesome agencies

Primarily working in the culture and leisure sectors, Swiss studio Demian Conrad‘s work is stripped back to its bare essentials, finding beauty through form and relationships between elements. That’s the best way I can encapsulate their sumptuous work. “With a research-led approach, we are interested in how technologies and processes relate to form and meaning. In 2010 we developed a printing process named WROP™ in which we could create a unique random printout using an […]

NR2154 {Copenhagen / New York}

Awesome agencies

Split either side of the Atlantic, NR2154 have a solid background in publishing but by no means leaves them short in the world of design. With beautifully manipulated typefaces, deeply thought out solutions and most delicate of sophisticated touches, NR2154 seem to have a knack of a creating cool, crisp work which stands out by its elegance.

Mr. Henry {Antwerp}

Awesome agencies

On discovery of this agency I am strangely hypnotized, transfixed you might say, Mr. Henry on first glace is the playful portfolio of some fresh face all excited and energized, embarking on its first steps into the world of design. Don’t get me wrong, not a nativity at all but more of praise, admiration as Mr. Henry has managed to maintain that love and passion that can get lost amongst those less inspiring jobs, to […]

Edmond Yang {Oslo}


Welcome to the world of Yangmedia, or Oslo’s Edmond Yang. Delightfully executed photo/illustration surrealism in a beautifully balanced portfolio of treats. Tw. @edmondyang