All posts tagged: adelaide

Nicknack {Adelaide}

Awesome agencies / LWC

Here on Cloud 9 we love the not-so-large fish, especially when we see them swimming briskly past the so called big boys with a confident fishy smile on their chirpy faces. Meet Nicknack, who operate from Australian waters, Adelaide to be more specific (you remember Parallax right – go Adelaide!) They talked to us about how, in such a culturally changing, new and emerging world, the playing field is levelling; smaller players are now stealing […]

Parallax {Adelaide}

Awesome agencies / LWC

This week Cloud 9 has journeyed to an occasionally overlooked corner of Oz, Adelaide. And thank god we did because we have a new design crush, hello Parallex, I think you might be ‘the one’! As a designer myself it is creative ideas that drive me so when I stumbled across the work of Parallax I knew I’d unearthed a gem. Beautifully executed, intelligent yet relevant ideas based design. Now that’s what I’m talking about! […]