All posts tagged: For the People

Always in season

Awesome agencies

The Snowy Valleys is a land beyond time, where life moves to a slower, more considered pace. For The People have built a brand for this new region around this idea of seasonality and time, where craft and detail can only be acheived with ample time.

To-do lists get a facelift


Designers hate being ruled by the clock, but have to admit that more often than not it’s something that actually becomes useful in tracking projects. Reinvention is becoming an inevitable part of organisations competing in the digital product world but it takes some guts to totally rip-up the past and start again from scratch. For The People have done just that together with project management software Streamtime, making the product once again fresh and relative to the industry it […]

Bag of personality for startup Mucho


Pun-laden tone of voice, vibrant colours and a bunch of playful, dynamic logos is not instantly a great combination, but thankfully in the right hands it packs enough personality without one element over powering the other. Step in the guys from For The People and their experience in knowing when you have just the right combination. The strong and distinctive tone of voice really raises this startup web and mobile platform from just another online […]

For The People go interchangeable for Cats & Dogs


Like many not-for-profits, animal shelters focus too much on worthiness and pity, as a way to connect with people to encourage adoption and donations. For the People have taken the perspective of how can we give the animals the best possible chance of finding a new home. By elevated each one to celebrity status – complete with glamorous photos they have managed to capture their true quirks and personality.