Ok ok, it’s pretty well known that here at DJ we’ve been seduced by the somewhat wicked touch of the dastardly designers at SomeOne. It’s for many reasons; we love their thinking and their work, on the whole, and their approach is a little bit different, which we appreciate. So they slapped a smile all over our chops with this new branding for WorldPay, “the UK’s top payments provider” and a “bit of a global giant”.
A new service, WorldPay Zinc, is a revolutionary one, putting credit card payments in the hands of small businesses… “just launching this week a new keypad device to enable small businesses (like say a visiting hairdresser, or gardener, or plumber) to take card payments. Anywhere there is a phone signal.”
SomeOne created the name and the visual brand identity which centres around representing the high speed digital payments – represented by high speed photography capturing the moment when two elements meet (shot by Simon Warren – using airborne paint pigment).
Read all about it here.