All posts tagged: identity design

Heroes – Anton Stankowski


As designers we all have our favourite, writes Martin Maher, classic pieces of work whether created by more well known designers or by someone more obscure. One of my all-time favourites, that really has stood the test of time is the Deutsche Bank identity. Designed by German designer Anton Stankowski, it still looks as striking and timeless now as it did when it first appeared back in 1974. Anton Stankowski was born in 1906, in […]

Burton Kramer Film trailer


“I needed only a drawing board, a t-square, some triangles, pencils, a sharpener, a desk lamp and a chair.” —Burton Kramer For your viewing pleasure, this spring will see the the release of an insight into design great Burton Kramer, produced by Vancouver based designer Greg Durrell. Born in 1932 in New York, Kramer began working in the late ’50s after graduating from Yale University. Aside from his prominently featured work at Expo 67, he […]

Identify… Chermayeff and Geismar


NBC, Chase Bank, Mobil Oil, PBS, Rockefeller Centre, MoMA, Time Warner Cable, Xerox, Amani Exchange, PanAm, Nat Geographic, HarperCollins. Chermayeff & Geismar’s work has touched the lives of millions around the world, both timeless and iconic and “sets the standard for what a successful trademark is”. Opening up their studio for the first time in over fifty years, Identify: Basic Principles of Identity Design in the Iconic Trademarks of Chermayeff & Geismar celebrates the broad […]