All posts tagged: Saul Bass

Profiles – John Lloyd


There are few bona fide heroes in this world. Ones that genuinely inspire and continue to do so and who’s experience and accomplishments give them an unquestionable sovereignty of voice within their realm. And it’s not just that – they belong to a unique club characterised as the original trail blazers, the ones who set the precedent and the ones who shaped the industry – and the landscape – by playing their part in defining it. One such person […]

New Saul Bass book released

Bookshelf / News

Laurence King (publishers of many essential titles including Pentagram’s 400 Marks and, most recently Symbol) have released a long overdue and eagerly awaited title ‘Saul Bass: A Life in Film & Design‘. Over 400 pages of goodness, the book celebrates one of the greatest and renowned designers of the 20th Century. Written by design historian Pat Kirkham, who knew Bass personally, and interestingly designed by his daughter, Jennifer Bass (also co-founded Treehouse Design Partnership in […]