All posts tagged: leeds

Build brings strength and power to Nike


It seems so simple and obvious, but these are the hardest things to get right let alone successfully combine to form the bases of a branding system. Yet this is exactly what the team at Build have done with their latest work for Nike. Build were commissioned to work with the Nike brand team on the new look and feel for Track and Field, 2016. Seemingly inspired by the lane markings of the running track, Build have established […]

Passport {Leeds}

Awesome agencies

New kids on the block and fresh out of uni, leaping feet first into the murky world of self employment, meet Leeds’ Passport, set up by pair Jonathan Finch and Rosalind Stoughton. New to the game, but definitely ones to look out for, the Passport studio primarily focus on design for print, brand, creative direction, identity, editorial, publication and promotion. They say; “We really believe that design is in the detail and so we love quality […]

The Consult {Leeds}

Awesome agencies

Ma-hooosive fans of Leeds brand design buckaneers The Consult. Both muti-published and multi-adorned with an award or three, clients include the BEEB, Converse, Cisco and Prezzo. No two projects look the alike but are each comparably beautiful, typographically awesome and visually epic. Handsome stuff. Tw. @TheConsult  

Analogue {Leeds}

Awesome agencies

Carnivores of cool, Analogue, are amongst the coolest agencies the north of England has to offer – and that’s no mean feat. Their application of typographic style is entertaining but amongst that combined with their striking visual style there is an sharp underlying wit through their work. Tw. @madebyanalogue