All posts tagged: illustrations
Rustic illustrations inspire Mucca
Driven by a rich, rustic illustrative style the farm-to-table restaurant Agricola branding speaks of artisan ways and love of the finest produce. Mucca has taken care to step away from the trending cliches which have flooded the hospitality sector thanks to the love of the ‘markers’ out there packaged delightfully for the ‘hipster’ foodies. The typography is distinctive with both a foot in the past, acknowledging the values of the restaurant but by still maintaining […]
Amy Jack {Lancashire}
Traditionally, we haven’t featured many (if any) students or graduates on DJ. No real reason (we’ve long toyed with the notion to dedicate a section for it – there’s unquestionable exceptional talent out there ripe for the picking), but then it’s not everyday work that warms our cockles pops up in our inbox. But enough of that, allow us to introduce the delightful embroidery work of The University of Central Lancashire graduate Amy Jack. Says […]