All posts tagged: design awards

It’s not the winning, it’s the taking part…


Who are we kidding, we all love winning! Didn’t we all have at least one dream at uni of wrapping our hands around a Yellow Pencil and making an emotional speech thanking our mother and our pet guinea pig for their support?! Yeh maybe that’s just me but one thing is for sure… it’s awards season! The Pentwards will kick off our run of trophy handing with the ceremony taking place in Paris as we […]

DB Student Awards


Design Bridge have announced the winners of their student awards, loving titled The Dog’s Bollocks. Says DB: “Over the course of three days all submissions were reviewed by the whole London studio and then shortlisted for our creative directors to decide the final winners of this year’s Dog’s Bollocks.” You can read more about the judging and the criteria here. A selection of our favourite of the impressive winner’s work is shown below, {credits below […]