An Unherd story about prints


After a long hard (haaard) slog building his design agency Bloodybigspider into a successful business with some great clients (Ernst & Young and YMCA to name a couple), Stephen Holmes escaped south London, moving shop to a nice studio on Old Street where he now calls home.

Over the years, as many of us have, he’d often come up with ideas and concepts he’d think were great, but just weren’t appropriate for clients and so, begrudgingly, they be banished to the maybe one day pile.

Says Holmes; “I’d always wanted to make them – the products of our own whimsy and overactive imaginations – into a reality somehow, and then, when looking (and struggling) to furnish my flat in Walthamstow it seemed obvious. What better way to use our occasional downtime – quiet Christmas breaks, that week in August when everybody’s on holiday – than to get working on that maybe one day pile and turn it into a collection of prints?”

“I liked the idea of prints that weren’t run of the mill, that were a little quirky and eye catching (hence the name – we don’t follow the herd), and so Unherd was born – a website selling good quality prints that might dent the bank slightly, but won’t break it.”

Unherd launched earlier in October and are working hard to build up the site gradually (Holmes says they’re currently working on a series based on the London Underground). There’s something for everybody in their Collections; they’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for people to get exactly what they want. Prints are available in several sizes (A sizes for simplicity), framed or unframed, and with no cheeky hidden extras (don’t you hate it when you get through to a checkout and clock VAT, delivery, cost of stickytape, blah blah blah added on, thus Unherd have sensibly made all their prices “inclusive and totally transparent”.

There’s some lively and cool prints available to adorn your walls, and better still to celebrate the launch they’re offering a princely 10% off all prints (details on the site). Check it out, and give them a follow (no pun intended…*) Click here to see more…


