So that was 2012, and it smelt pretty good…


Merry Christmas folks, it’s been quite a year. Definite highlights here have been all the people we’ve spoken to and gotten to know along the road; from our very first interview way back in February with the Allotment’s Michael Smith, to our most recent one a few weeks back with Nick Finney and everyone in between; Martin Maher, Scott Thomas, Matthew Haynes, Gemma O’Brien, Thomas Hunt, and the great John Lloyd; and of course the incredible Heroes series featured back in the summer (written by Martin Maher himself). We’ve seen some incredible work by incredibly talented people far and wide but the best thing is we know there’s loads more to come.

So, from everyone on team DJ, thank you to anyone who has been featured, interviewed, sent in work, contributed or even simply glanced at our humble blog, it’s been a blast. You’re all glorious.

We’ll leave you with one last featurette for 2012 provided by Ryan Dixon‘s seasonal direct mailer, made us smile… Cheers y’all, have ye a good ‘un.

Ryan DixonRyan DixonRyan DixonRyan Dixon