All posts filed under: Jottings

Profiles – Thomas Williams {Hunt Studio / Process Journal}


Thomas Williams is one of those people who you have to stop and ask ‘how on earth do you find the time?’ Not content with being the founder and Creative Director of one of Melbourne’s stand out intelligent design consultancy Hunt Studio, Thomas is also the founder and Editor in Chief of critically written and award winning quarterly design publication Process Journal. Throw in some guest lecturing at various design institutions including Swinburne University, Monash […]

Profiles – Gemma O’Brien {For the Love of Type}


Sydney based Gemma O’Brien is a lady with unquestionable passion and enthusiasm for what she does. A self-confessed type nerd, you could say Gemma went a little too far when she celebrated her 21st birthday by insisting everyone who came dress as their favorite typeface. This injection of energy and infectious passion Gemma demonstrates led her from the traditional forms of wooden and metal type, where she learnt her craft, into more experimental mediums; from […]

Heroes – George Lois


Maybe it’s because I’ve just returned from judging at an Advertising Awards or because I’ve just finished reading his brilliant book ‘Damn Good Advice’ but George Lois really is a bit of a legend, writes Martin Maher. Whilst not strictly just a designer (although he started out as one and he designed plenty of logos) George Lois could be seen as one of the most prolific and creative advertising communicators of the last half century, […]

Heroes – Sara De Bondt


Following our previous Heroes feature on Henrik Kubel, this week we’re showcasing another young designer with a similar love of original, contemporary typographic-based design; Belgian graphic designer, publisher, conference organiser and teacher Sara De Bondt. I have to admit I only actually discovered Sara’s work last year and was playing catch-up for a while. Since then though I’ve become a big fan of her approach and the colourful, direct style of her work, writes Martin […]

Profiles – Matthew Haynes {Analogue/Digital Creative Conference}


With this weeks special announcement that Sonia Rentsch, Melbourne’s cleverest of creatives, will be presenting at this year’s Analogue/Digital Creative Conference, Designers Journal caught up with conference founder Matthew Haynes to talk baseball, standing ovations and grass roots design as he gears up for the festival season. Returning for its second year, the Analogue/Digital Creative Conference shines a spotlight on the culturally starved Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast of Australia. Largely overshadowed by the lure […]

Heroes – Henrik Kubel


When we started this series the idea was to profile unsung designers who had been big influences on our design careers. The urge to write features on the likes of Saul Bass, Paul Rand or Otl Aicher has been strong but for the most part we’ve stuck to our guns and featured some very interesting, older spokesmen as well as a few younger designers that have amazed us with the work they’ve created in relatively […]

Profiles – Scott Thomas {Simple.Honest.Work}


With a background in architecture, a bit of magic from ‘Click Through’ the pink unicorn along the way, and a focus for getting back to the hand and keeping things simple, Scott Thomas is a man architecting change. As the Design Director for Obama’s 2008 campaign, Scott, ‘Simple Scott,’ has a philosophy of simplification which has been illustrated in more recent years with the Noun Project. We’re pleased as punch Scott managed to spare a […]

Heroes – Mary Lewis


When it comes to modern brand packaging there is one person that has been there since the start. She is undoubtedly the queen of packaging design and the awards and accolades that her company have received speak volumes about the quality and originality of their work. From champagnes to coffee, marmalades to mustards, perfumes to preserves, she’s done it all and all the while exuding a class and refined Englishness that puts the royal family […]