Design Matters: Logos


Compiled by Minneapolis branding consultancy Capsule, Design Matters: Logos explores the theory, processes and methods necessary to create stand out work that resonates in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

“Essentially, make it meaning something. Even if the client’s line of business is completely uninspiring, find the meaning behind the service or the product. Meanng manifests everywhere…”

Part of the The Design Matters 101 series (which also emcompasses Brochures, Portfolios and Packaging) Logos takes an in-depth approach allowing designers to learn not only how to create work that is aesthetically appealing, but that is also strategy-driven and smart.

“During the briefing, establish the brand values. This is made up of the brand promise, archetypes, attributes, personality, and other brand fundamentals. Brand values serve as the foundation for consequent metaphor development and should be used as a barometer throughout the process.”

This book focuses on creating logos, highlighting executions of beautiful and well-crafted examples, that breaks down the fundamentals expanding in case studies including (RED), Red Wing, John Deere, LSO and Royal Tropical Institute amongst others. Sections are broken down into headings – Introduction; Planning; Creating; Implementing; Case Studies; and Logo Gallery. A solid resource and well worth studying.

Buy it.

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